“Phyllis gets the story right in her paintings. She has a knack for what to put in, what to leave out, what to emphasize. Simple, accessible images with charm and humor. No amount of technique can substitute for heart.”
Anne Brazeau Hausler
Writer, Author, MFA Western State Colorado University
“Grandma’s paintings have no ulterior motive, no political undertone, no grand statement to make other than…well, other than pure joy.”
Guerrieri’s grandson Julian
“At any age you can pick up a pen or a paintbrush and express yourself creatively. Don’t be afraid, have a light heart, and especially don’t be too critical of yourself.”
Phyllis Guerrieri
“Guerrieri shows that amidst the economic woes of the time there was fun and adventure to be had. His stories read very well and are brilliantly written. . .”
Dr. Duane Vandenbusche
Professor of History, Western State Colorado University